This blog is focussed around my interests in Diesel and Electric locomotives and the modern rail freight scene. I particularly like the humble Class 08 and 09 Shunter and also anything with a pantograph, notably Class 86, 90 and 92 locomotives.

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Friday, 7 October 2022

 Freightliner Shunting Fleet

By far the most numerous diesel locomotive built for British Rail, the Class 08 today is severely reduced in numbers. This isn't down to the locomotives themselves, over the past 30 years operators have revised their shunting practices and indeed, most of the large marshalling yards they once ruled, are long gone. However, still it remains the standard for shunting operations with a number of alternatives introduced over the years but yet to fully oust this old workhorse and truly brilliant piece of British engineering. A fleet that fell just short of 1000 locomotives (including the Class 09) today stands at around the 200 mark for survivors, mixed between front line service, preservation and storage. 

One operator that continues to invest in it's small fleet of 'Gronks' is Freightliner. They have always had a number of dedicated pilots at it's main container terminals since the BR days and although the fleet is now rather small at 7 active examples, they are still as important now as they have ever been. 

Over the years Freightliner have concentrated the use of it's shunters at it's main terminals. Once upon a time it was normal to see at least one at Coatbridge, Felixstowe, Garston, Southampton, Tilbury and Trafford Park. Today, the likes of Coatbridge and Garston see any shunting requirements taken care of by main line locomotives whilst Freightliner moved their Tilbury operations to London Gateway a number of years ago. Again, diesel traction in the form of Class 66 and 70 locomotive take care of any shunting needs here. The Southampton operation generally requires 2 pilots (when available) with one tasked to the container terminal and the other the wagon repair depot. Felixstowe was another that previously held 2 locomotives with 1 in traffic and another on hand as a spare should it be required. With the fleet somewhat stretched and (at a stretch) improved reliability this location has been down to 1 shunter for the last few years. Other locations that have seen Freightliner Gronk action over the years have been Crewe Basford Hall, Leeds Midland Road/FLT and Hams Hall in Birmingham.

The Fleet (core, not inclusive of hire-in's)


At one point Freightliner had the oldest example still working in 08077. This entered the Freightliner fleet via RFS(e) and a trade with 08892. It was permanently based at Southampton Maritime where it served for many years. It dated from Feb 1955 and prior to it's TOPS renumber would be known as D3102. Withdrawal from BR was relatively early in 1977 but would find its way in to industrial service before ending up with Freightliner. In 2008 whilst still at Maritime, it was involved in a shunting accident at the depot which saw the loco pushed through the buffer stops. At the time it was believed that the loco was shortly to receive an overhaul to prolong it's career but sadly the damage suffered (believed to have been around it's frame) was sufficient enough for the loco, as well as 08575 which was also involved, to never work for the company again. 08077 was scrapped in 2014, 08575 remains in a heavily stripped state at Burton Nemesis.

With some of it's damage clearly visible from this head on view, 08077 sits in pretty much the spot it met it's maker at Barton-under-Needwood. Taken by Steve Blick on 03/08/2008


A true workhorse this one, having served pretty much everywhere for Freightliner. When Coatbridge FLT still had a need for a dedicated shunter, 08530 was north of the border serving with grace in the early 2000's. All of the usual locations have been covered over the years too with periods at Felixstowe, Tilbury, Trafford Park and Southampton as the fleet cycled between exams etc. It is currently (Sep 22) at LH Group, Barton-under-Needwood undergoing an exam and has been on site since June 2021. It is the last surviving (of the operational fleet) to carry the Freightliner 'Racing Green' livery but it is likely that upon completion of repairs and release it will be in the G+W orange scheme as already applied to 08691, 08785 and 08891.

Almost a case of 'Build your own 08'! 08530 seen in bits at Barton-under-Needwood in December 2016. This was a particularly tough time for the fleet in terms of reliability as 08531 and 08691 were also on site for repair. Photo by Chris McCann


A shunter with a strong London/South East connection, 08531 was a Stratford resident back in the day and frequented London Liverpool St and Kings Cross stations when BR still had pilot duties at Termini. Much like 08530 above, the loco has served in most locations for Freightliner. It was a regular at Tilbury in the late 90's/early 2000's and has gone on to serve at Felixstowe, Trafford and of course Southampton. It was the first of the Class to receive the 'Powerhaul' livery scheme in May 2015 whilst undergoing an exam at Wabtec LH Group services in Barton-under-Needwood. It is currently serving at Felixstowe where it has been since 2017, although it has been away for maintenance on a couple of occasions in this period.

Still carrying the original Freightliner 'Racing Green' livery, 08531 is seen on hand at Felixstowe in June 2014. Photo by Alex Harvey


A shunter that was a part of the RFD fleet prior to release to Freightliner as part of the privatization break up, the loco carried a base dark blue with small RFD logos. These were removed and the loco saw service at Southampton, at this time the blue having weathered over time resembling more of a BR blue machine. Overhaul and repaint came in the early 2000's and its largely remained at Southampton. There was a report of it serving a stint at Trafford Park FLT but I'm not 100% certain on this. As mentioned above in 08077 section, the locomotive was involved in a shunting mishap at Maritime in 2008 and spent the best part of 6 years sidelined at the Hampshire site. Movement to LH Group, Barton-under-Needwood came in 2014 for further storage and parts removal. In 2018 it was moved the short distance to Nemesis Rail, Burton upon Trent where it was stripped further to provide parts for the overhaul of 08891. It remains on site today, likely awaiting final disposal. It was new in the summer of 1959 and built at Crewe Works. 

08575 is seen partly stripped at LH Group Services, Barton-under-Needwood in June 2017 prior to it's move down the A38 to Nemesis Rail, Burton upon Trent. It remains here to this day having donated a number of components for the overhaul of 08891 which returned to traffic in 2022. Photo by Chris McCann

08585 'Vicky'

08585 was the first of the Freightliner 08's to be officially named, receiving the nameplates 'Vicky' at Leeds Stourton in 2003. It received the Racing Green livery early on, being repainted in 2001 before becoming the second of the fleet to receive the updated 'Powerhaul' scheme in September 2015. As well as Leeds, she has served pretty much everywhere. In addition to the usual locations, Crewe Basford Hall is another location not all FL pilots have served at. When at Leeds FLT it could often be seen on site at Leeds Midland Road depot where it would stable, receive light maintenance and occasionally assist with shunt duties. Presently the shunter is based at Southampton Maritime TMD where it is predominately used to shunt crippled/repaired wagons to/from the depot. It should be joined by a 2nd pilot in the form of 08785 once it is released from repairs at Burton, but this will depend on whether any failures/issues are faced with other members of the fleet between now and then.

Seen at the buffer stop 3 days before Christmas 2017 at Leeds Midland Road VMF, 08585 'Vicky' is awaiting a spin on the wheel lathe. Having been under repair for several months at LH Group Services, the loco was transported to West Yorkshire before being deployed to to Southampton Maritime in early 2018. Photo by Chris McCann

08624 'Rambo - Paul Ramsey' 

A versatile locomotive as you'd expect from the FL fleet, 08624 is currently based at Trafford Park FLT. The loco was named 'Rambo Paul Ramsey' at Felixstowe in 2016 dedicating a former Freightliner member of staff. I don't have any record of this one serving at Tilbury FLT but it has certainly served at Coatbridgec, Felixstowe, Southampton and Trafford over the years. The one location it has served at that most haven't is Garston FLT. It replaced long term resident 08891 here circa 2003/2004 although its spell was relatively short with the shunting duties eventually being taken over by mainline locomotives eliminating the need for a dedicated pilot. The loco was the 3rd and final to receive the 'Powerhaul' scheme and was the 4th to be named.

Having arrived the previous week fresh off repairs at LH Group (Wabtec) at Barton-under-Needwood, 08624 'Rambo - Paul Ramsey' is seen at rest on 12/06/2021 having earlier been shut down for the weekend at Trafford Park FLT. Photo by Chris McCann


A bit of a celebrity back in the day with it's BRML black inspired livery, this loco was a relatively early withdrawal by Freightliner. A long term resident of the South/South East the loco was no stranger to the Southampton/Eastleigh areas. Indeed it served at Maritime during the mid/late 1990's but found it's way to Suffolk and was used at both Ipswich and Felixstowe. The locomotive was involved in a derailment at Felixstowe which ultimately seen the loco stored and eventually withdrawn. It was transferred back to Southampton Maritime where it donated many parts to the active fleet. It would later move to Leeds Midland Road where its useable remaining's were taken before the loco was scrapped at CF Booths, Rotherham in June 2006.

With less than 2 weeks of it's existence left, the carcass of 08642 is seen at Leeds Midland Road on 15/06/2006 awaiting collection for transfer to CF Booths, Rotherham. Photo by Ken Barnes.

08691 'Terri'

The second of the fleet to be formally named whilst under Freightliner control, 08691 was a Tinsley celebrity earlier in it's career. Once it carried an attractive green livery with a light roof, large cast BR arrows on the cab sides and the Tinsley unofficial name of 'Escafeld'. It would often be seen as the station pilot at Sheffield when such a duty existed. Eventually it would move away from Tinsley and would take up residence in the Crewe area, even being noted at Stoke-on-Trent station at one point. Eventually losing it's 'celebrity' livery, it's next was pretty mundane being essentially an all grey livery and it filtered between duties in the Crewe area including Basford Hall. Overhaul came in 2003 at Doncaster works with a repaint in to the 'Racing Green' livery of Freightliner. In October of 2003 it received it's nameplates 'Terri' (which it carries to this day) in a naming at Felixstowe to honour Terri Calvesbert who had received burns injuries at a young age. In the years since the loco has served at all the usual haunts of Felixstowe, Tilbury, Trafford and Southampton and even Coatbridge. In 2019 the loco was deployed to Crewe Basford hall for a new duty that initially was expected to double to two gronks. The loco served here until the spring of 2022 when it was replaced by freshly overhauled 08891 and removed to Burton Nemesis for an exam. During this exam it lost its, by now, shabby racing green livery in favour of G+W orange. Thankfully the loco retained it's 'Terri' nameplates, these now carrying a black background versus it's previous green and was deployed to the recently opened Ipswich VMF.

08691 sat at Basford Hall on 05/10/2019 near to the fuel point awaiting it's next duty. Photo by Chris McCann.


08745 didn't have too long an active history with Freightliner unfortunately. Once a part of Tinsley's RFD fleet, the loco carried RFD European livery with the unofficial name of 'The Tyke'. It served at Leeds Stourton FLT whilst still under RFD and Tinsley allocation eventually finding it's way to Ipswich yard for most of the late 1990's. I'm not 100% on it's ownership during this period as RFD was obviously purchased by EWS and once stored in 1999 with engine problems this was at Crewe DMD, again an EWS depot. It was moved to Southampton in late 2001 initially believed to be for repairs. Sadly these repairs never came and it languished here, parked with condemned Class 47's before eventually been shifted out of the way at the head of one of the dead end sidings at the terminal until April 2012. It was sold for scrap and removed for the long journey to CF Booth Rotherham where it survived until November before being finally disposed of.

08745 seen at Southampton on 19/04/2008. It would sit in this spot for a further 4 years before being sold for scrap. Photo by Dave Kemp


The first Gronk to receive the G+W Orange scheme was 08785 which was unexpectedly painted under the roof at Southampton Maritime MD during 2021. The livery received yellow buffer beams, skirt and conrods with a orange base body and black lining. The roof is a bit patchy in places when observed from the road bridge overlooking the depot. What I find particularly interesting around the livery is that it encompasses both the modern Freightliner logo on the bodysides and the previous logo applied to the buffer beams. This has been adopted as standard with 08891 and 08691 following suit with their repaints at LH Group and Nemesis respectively. Following it's repaint it would stay at Southampton for a short while before being redeployed to Ipswich in anticipation of the VMF opening. It was collected by road on 06/08/2021 and initially transported to Felixstowe. A rare bit of mainline action saw the loco power 66518 from here to Ipswich on Saturday 07/08/21 a relatively short distance but took several hours with the loco looped at Gun Lane as plan whilst the local branch line services ran around it. It was joined by 08891 the following summer and then the third orange gronk in September 2022 which would relieve it with the loco using the same road transport to Nemesis, Burton for an exam. Again, the loco has served at all the usual haunts but I don't think it worked at Tilbury. It was based at Trafford Park for just over 2 years between October 2017 and November 2019. It was reportedly not that popular with the ground staff there due to it's heating not being the best, having a lethargic speedo and it's brakes not being the best. I'm sure the mentioned issues have been fixed during it's visits for exams since! The loco was purchased from RFS(e) in the late 1990's.

08785 seen about to be loaded on to road transport for eventual transfer to Ipswich via Felixstowe on 05/08/2021. Photo by Chris McCann


An unlikely return came in 2022 when 08891 was returned to service after almost 14 years of storage. A decision was made at some point in 2018 that a 'good loco' would be made out of the two stored in 08575 and 08891. 08891 was deemed to be the better of the two and work got underway at Nemesis Rail Burton. The loco was stripped out with it's components sent away for overhaul and prep work done to the body and insides. Also whilst here it received fresh wheelsets. Transport a little further up the road to the former LH group services at Barton-under-Needwood came in early 2020 for reuniting with overhauled components, repaint and completion. Covid struck a month or so later which prolonged the process somewhat and it was late 2021 before the loco appeared complete, ready for testing and of course in the companies attractive G+W orange livery scheme. Released in early 2022, it moved initially to Crewe Basford Hall yard where it relieved 08691, itself in need of a heavy exam. It's stay was rather short in Cheshire though and it was moved to Ipswich less than 2 months later. This was believed to be due to Ipswich's pilot 08785 being due an exam of it's own but both loco's remained on site for several months. In September 2022 08691, fresh from repairs and it's own repaint arrived at Ipswich which saw all 3 of the currently orange gronks in the same place at the same time. 08785 took the trailer and return journey to Nemesis for it's anticipated attention.

08891 with it's overhaul complete is seen looking fresh and ready for action after the best part of 14 years out of traffic on 22/01/2022. The loco was initially sent to Crewe Basford Hall but currently resides at Ipswich VMF. Photo by Chris McCann

Hire in's

Over the years Freightliner have hired in a number of shunters to cover duties and for their own fleet. In the early 2000's both HNRC and RT Rail provided locomotives to bolster the core fleet and to cover additional work gained. The list below is not inclusive of every loco hired in by the firm, just a basis from my notes etc.

RT Rail

08375 in the early 2000's was used by Freightliner at Ipswich, Felixstowe and Southampton. 08754 was actually repainted in a Freightliner Green/Yellow style livery (without branding) and was initially deployed to Garston FLT to cover for long term resident 08891 which was out of traffic awaiting repairs. The loco later moving to Dagenham docks and use with the Heavy Haul division for automotive traffic.  Another RT rail machine 08762 served at Dagenham for this traffic too. 08573 was also used at Coatbridge FLT at one point.


08818, arguably the pet locomotive of the HNRC fleet saw use with Freightliner at both Coatbridge and Leeds FLT's. The loco also had periods at Ipswich in the late 90's. 08809 was another to spend a period of time north of the border working in Coatbridge FLT. 08868 at the time owned by HNRC was used at Leeds Midland Road and Felixstowe. It also reportedly had a stint at Trafford Park FLT but I've not been able to confirm this.


In more recent times, any hire in's were covered by the fleet of locomotives under the Wabtec/Hunslet umbrella. 


A loco that saw a lot of use with Freightliner was RES liveried 08873. It had lengthy spells at Southampton Maritime, eventually leaving for the final time in 2017. It also served at Felixstowe and Trafford Park FLT and Hams Hall although the latter location was not believed to be on hire to Freightliner. The loco was disposed of in June 2021.

08873 is seen engaged in shunting duties for Freightliner Intermodal at Southampton Maritime FLT on 11/11/2016. The loco had just over 6 months of working life left at this point being removed to Barton-under-Needwood in May 2017 where repairs would never come and eventual scrapping coming in June 2021. Photo by Chris McCann


Wabtec black liveried 08571 was hired by Freightliner in 2016 and 2017 at a time of great unreliability for their own fleet. Initially taking up 2 spells at Felixstowe before having a stint at Southampton Maritime. Nearing the end of 2017 and with the fleet back up to manageable levels, the loco was off hired and would eventually move to Daventry on hire to Malcolm Rail.

08571 seen stabled outside the maintenance shed at Southampton Maritime on the wagon repair duty. 08624 'Rambo' is seen paused in the background in between shunting the main terminal on 06/08/2017. Photo by Chris McCann

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